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Growing In Faith and Learning

'Growing in Faith and Learning' 'Life in all it's fullness' John 10:10

Welcome to St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Welcome to St. Leonard’s Church of England Primary School. We hope our website gives you a flavour of our vibrant, happy school and the achievements of our delightful children. We are a thriving church school in the picturesque village of Wigginton with a strong Christian ethos, growing in faith and learning. We passionately believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their goals and shine in their own unique and wonderful way. Our kind, caring and dedicated team nurture, motivate and encourage our children to be confident and well-rounded members of their community. I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of St. Leonard’s, a place where children develop a passion for learning, feel good about themselves, are proud of their achievements and create lasting memories of friendship and connection in our school family. I warmly invite you to come and visit us at St. Leonard’s Mrs Kirsty Cullen, Headteacher.

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • This week including Family worship

    Fri 23 Mar 2018

    Robins have been learning how to join together materials through junk modelling and practising using scissors. They have been identifying their favourite place in the classroom, sharing their opinions and explaining their reasons. They have been practising their counting and ordering numbers and using their phonics skills to independently write sentences in their super sentences books. 


    Kingfishers have been busy with their new topic on Australia and have created some Australian themed art and learnt a ‘bush’ dance. They were lucky to have a visit from Mr Petricca, who is Australian and he answered some of the questions they had about the country. In English they have written some fabulous Spring themed poems and have been busy learning about measuring length and height in Maths. 


    As well as a magnificent Easter performance, Owls have been busy writing newspaper reports based on a sighting of the Loch Ness Monster. In Maths they have been learning about fractions and have found fractions of shapes and amounts. They also went a step further and added fractions. In Science they planned an investigation based on evaporation. 


    In Maths Kestrels have been working very hard on adding and subtracting fractions and have started multiplying them this week. In English, they love the new class text 'Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters' - they have been using this African folk tale for drama and writing Philosophy for Children lessons. In RE they have been exploring the Lord's Prayer - Kingfishers taught them a song and dance and Kestrels have rewritten the prayer simply for them, which they will be sharing with them next week. 


    Falcons have been working exceptionally hard revising all they have learned in Key Stage two in preparation for the end of Key Stage 2 assessments in May. They have shown real perseverance. In PSHE they have been setting each other goals and teaching each other a new skill based on their own talents. They have really pushed themselves outside their comfort zones and showed real respect for each other’s talents and skills. 


    Well done to all of the children who received a Headteacher's award this week.



    Roma Francis for being a thoughtful and caring member of the class.



    Dylan Wilkes for excellent ideas and questions on Science day.

    Daniel Powell for being kind and caring to all.


    Isla Jones for some wonderful work in French. 


    Bethany Lawrence for having a positive attitude to her learning and being a fantastic role model.

    Tabitha Blackwood for fantastic editing and writing. 



    Conor Hopwood for always persevering with his learning and wanting to do his best.

    Jessica Byrne for an excellent reflection on our Science morning. 


    Easter Production

    Our Year 3 and 4 children did an absolutely amazing job sharing the Easter story with us all in church on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Their production ‘Easter children’ was a real success and we were particularly impressed with their singing. It was lovely to see some of our more reserved children having the confidence to stand up and talk in front of a large audience. Thank you for your support in providing costumes and for attending the service. 


    Sports Relief

    On Friday we took part in the Sport Relief campaign by taking part in an obstacle course. The children all had a great time taking part.  Congratulations to the winning family group, St Luke, who completed it with a time of 3 minutes 23 seconds. 

  • Family worship, Science Day & The Swimming Gala

    Fri 16 Mar 2018

    Congratulations to all the children who received a Headteacher's award today:



    Isla Costin for super behaviour and manners.

    Sophie Wainaina for super reading. 



    Adelaide Holder for independent writing.

    Edwin Silempa for excellent behaviour at all times. 



    Laila Smith for comparing fractions.

    Harvey Boddington for always working hard and supporting others.

    Ollie Johnston for working hard to complete tasks and handwriting. 



    Rhea Ward for consistently producing work of a high standard.

    Franchesca Hadley for her thoughtfulness, politeness and kindness.

    Oscar Kinsella for being an excellent role model. 



    Harry Southall for always showing an excellent attitude towards his learning.

    Alice Coats for working hard to write her story based on the book Maleficent. 


    Swimming Gala

    A really huge congratulations to our brilliant swimmers who made it through to the final of the Tamworth School’s Swimming Gala: Bethany Lawrence, Tabitha Blackwood, Megan Boag and Cameron Hunter. A special mention has to be made for Cameron who not only qualified to get through into the final in two different races, he was also the winner of the 25m Breaststroke making him the fastest in his age group out of all of the schools in Tamworth. Well done everyone – we are so proud of you all. 


    Science Day

    Our Science day was a big hit with the children. Lots of investigative work took place including examining the effect of yeast in balloons, floating and sinking in different types of liquids, making slime and chemical reactions causing exciting eruptions. The children learned a great deal and we were impressed with their questioning, observational skills and scientific reflections. Thank you to Miss Grimsdell for planning such a lovely day. 

  • World Book Week, Maths Week and Family Worship

    Fri 09 Mar 2018

    It has been 2 busy weeks in school with book week and maths week.  The children really enjoyed dressing up on World Book Day.  They all looked great.


    In book week, Robins looked at the story of the Three Little Pigs which they retold using stick puppets. They made their own pigs as well as making houses out of different materials. They wrote captions for what the characters might say. In Real Life Maths week, they enjoyed utilising our Dinosaur Museum including using money and buying tickets. We set up our own post office and undertaken activities designing own stamps, comparing the size and weight of parcels as well of writing letters. 


    Kingfishers looked at Little Red Riding Hood during World Book Week and compared two different versions; they looked at story sequencing and wrote Wanted posters for the Wolf. In Real Life Maths week, they have been looking at transport and paying for bus tickets and undertaking traffic surveys and displaying data. They also designed Road safety posters which we have shared with the Robins class. In RE, they started our new theme focusing on why Christians celebrate Easter. 


    In Owls, Real Life Maths week focused on St Leonard’s Café where children have measured out ingredient to make and sell in the Café. In Book Week, they looked at the true story of the Three Little Pigs which shows how the poor wolf was framed. They had a mock Court to argue whether the wolf was guilty or innocent. They also wrote instructions for baking a cake for the wolf’s Granny. 


    Kestrels have been writing their own middles to the Maleficent story. They watched the beginning and the end and have been filling in the gaps. They enjoyed Real Life Maths week by designing their own theme parks. At the moment they are working out if they've made a profit or a loss. Today we have started our weaving. In Science, we've started a new topic on changing materials. 


    Falcons have been undertaking Real Life Maths linked to lemonade. They have surveyed the school about their favourite soft drinks and produced pie charts to reflect the outcomes. They have taste tested lemonade to see if they could spot which lemonade had the highest cost per 25ml. They also measured ingredients and produced their own lemonade working out ratios and profits. As well as lots of Maths, they have designed their own advertising posters for their own lemonade products. 


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's award over the past fortnight. 



    Alfie Macbeth for good listening and being polite.

    Finlay Hunter for trying hard with phonics and writing.

    Elijah Hannon for super manners.
    Katie Preece for super effort with writing.



    Sara Luke for always trying her best.
    Jacob Arrowsmith for excellent work on the link between multiplication and division.

    Kayden Willcock for being a good role model and always listening carefully.
    Zeke Holder for writing a super knight story.



    Laila Smith for comparing fractions.
    Ronnie Fernyhough for really concentrating in maths lessons.



    Freya Stevens for her contribution and effort in Maths.

    Megan Blackwood for persevering when things get tricky.
    Ellis Passmore for maintaining a high standard of handwriting.



    Jacob Bryan for excellent work in maths and super progress.
    Alex Bain for excellent attitude during PSHE.
    Eve Boyle for a fantastic diary about Journey to the River Sea.
    Vinny Fernyhough for being an excellent role model for the whole school.


    Well done also to Laila Smith and Jasmine Flanagan for earning their Pen Licenses. 

  • Swimming Gala

    Wed 07 Mar 2018

    Well done to all of the children who took part in the Swimming Gala held at Tamworth Enterprise College on Wednesday 7th February. All of the children swam really well and as always behaved superbly and showed excellent sportsmanship:  Alfie Robbins, Ewan Tall, Ethan Blackwood, Cameron Hunter, Megan Blackwood, Freya Stevens, Elsa Blackwood, Megan Boag, Neeve Finney, Bethany Lawrence, Madison Williams, Elsa Blackwood, Tabitha Blackwood and Ruby Sadler.


    A special well done to the children who made it through to the final that will take place on March 15th at the Snowdome: Cameron Hunter (two races), Tabitha Blackwood, Megan Boag and Bethany Lawrence. Good luck to you all. 
