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Growing In Faith and Learning

'Growing in Faith and Learning' 'Life in all it's fullness' John 10:10

Welcome to St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Welcome to St. Leonard’s Church of England Primary School. We hope our website gives you a flavour of our vibrant, happy school and the achievements of our delightful children. We are a thriving church school in the picturesque village of Wigginton with a strong Christian ethos, growing in faith and learning. We passionately believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their goals and shine in their own unique and wonderful way. Our kind, caring and dedicated team nurture, motivate and encourage our children to be confident and well-rounded members of their community. I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of St. Leonard’s, a place where children develop a passion for learning, feel good about themselves, are proud of their achievements and create lasting memories of friendship and connection in our school family. I warmly invite you to come and visit us at St. Leonard’s Mrs Kirsty Cullen, Headteacher.

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Family worhip

    Fri 25 May 2018

    The children in year 4 had a lovely day at Lichfield Cathedral on Monday for 'Inspire day'.  They took part in lots of different activities throughout the day.


    On Friday, Kestrels enjoyed holding a 'Greek day' as part of their topic on Ancient Greece.  They all came to school dressed in traditional Greek clothing and took part in lots of exciting activities including tackling Greek puzzles and trying some lovely Greek food.


    Congratulations to everyone who received a Head Teacher's award this week:



    Oakley Shakespeare for helping other children and following instructions.

    Sophia-May Waldron for super effort with counting activities.


    Verity-Rose Osborne for being a superstar.

    Kayden Willcock for writing a great story.



    Harvey Boddington for always completing tasks and for being enthusiastic about his learning.

    Leo Barkhouse for a brilliant clay model.

    Ollie Oughton for a brilliant clay model.



    Grace Dix for her wonderful work in English.

    Caiden Jones for managing his distractions and settling to lesson more quickly.


  • This week including Family worship

    Fri 18 May 2018

    It has been a busy week in school this week.  Our Year 6 children have been undertaking their SATs, and made us very proud. They have taken it all in their stride and have done their very best. Our Royal Wedding street party was great fun and we were blessed with beautiful weather. It was lovely to welcome the parents of our new Nursery and Reception children in our New Parents Evening. I know you will all make them very welcome in September.


    This week Robins have been reading the story about Farmer Duck. Reception have written words related to the topic and also sentences about all the jobs duck had to do while the farmer stayed in bed. In Maths we have continued counting activities but also we have been naming and describing 2d shapes. We have looked at farm animals and their babies through painting and a matching activity.


    Kingfishers have been busy beginning our topic on Explorers. We have looked at what makes a famous person significant and in the coming weeks will be finding out about Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus. In English we have been learning poems by Spike Milligan and will be writing one of our own. Our Maths work has focused on solving puzzles and problems. Our year 2s have also been working extremely hard on their SATs test.


    In Science this week, Owls have classified animals into different groups - reptiles, fish, amphibians, mammals and birds. Art & D&T has focused on designing our very own dinosaurs and we made a model of these out of clay. In English, we have started to write a fact file about our dinosaurs and we have been learning how to use inverted commas. Maths has focused on how to plot points on a gird using coordinates in the first quadrant. On Friday the children enjoyed a day out at the National History Museum, as part of their topic.  The children had a great day out. Photos will be added shortly.


    Kestrels have been looking at Celtic Art in the Lindisfarne Gospels and painting some of the intricate designs. In Maths we have been undertaking lots of practical tasks involving statistics - collecting and presenting data in graphs and tables and then reading information from bus and train timetables. In English we used an app on the ipads to create our very own comic strips, based on a Greek myth. In DT, we have almost finished our amazing weaving.


    Falcons have worked exceptionally hard this week in their SATs tests. On Monday they undertook their Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation tests; Tuesday was the Reading paper and then Wednesday and Thursday focused on the Arithmetic and Maths reasoning papers. The children enjoyed their special breakfast club that was kindly funded by the PTA throughout the week and are now enjoying undertaking lots of games and team challenges.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's award.



    Aoife Falvey for being a quiet, polite and well behaved member of the class.

    Poppy Austin for using full stops and capital letters in her sentences.



    Isla-Bella Falvey for super Maths skills.
    Natalie Petricca for being kind and making good choices.



    The two Owls certificates for this week have been postponed until next week due to their London trip.


    Thomas Gilbert for being determined and challenging himself to always do his best.

    Rhea Ward for being an exemplary role model: responsible and hardworking.



    Miss Williams couldn’t choose between our amazing year 6’s this week so decided to award them all with a Headteacher’s award for their tremendous effort in their SATs tests this week.

  • Family worship

    Fri 11 May 2018

    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's award.



    Estelle Petricca for counting to 20 and being able to compare groups of objects.

    Emily Bryan for being a polite and kind member of the class.



    Angel Lee for amazing Monet inspired work.
    Harriet Hadley for being a great role model.


    Isla Jones for always completing tasks to the best of her ability.
    Millie Owen for excellent topic work creating 3D image of a dinosaur.


    Elsa Blackwood for making links in her learning and asking excellent questions.
    Grace Cooke for always doing the right thing, excellent behaviour and working hard.



    Alice Coats for always having a `can do` attitude - even when things are hard!
    Conor Hopwood for really good improvement in his Maths work.


  • This week including Family worship

    Fri 04 May 2018

    Robins have been retelling the story of the Pig in the Pond this week. Some of our writing work is now on display in the classroom. Our PSED work has focused on friends and responding to the feelings of others, including talking about when we need to say sorry. Maths this week has been about counting and being able to say the number that is one more or less, through the use of number rhymes and songs. We have been helping Neligan the Farmer to count the animals in his fields. The children are really enjoying their indoor and outdoor roleplay areas - café and farm shop. 


    In Kingfishers, we have been busy writing out our own version of 'The Rainbow Bird' and we are
    now getting ready to edit and improve them. In maths, Year 1 have been looking at adding and subtracting using a 100 square and Year 2 have been calculating using all four operations. We have begun our new Science topic on Plants and our art work has been focused on landscapes by Monet. 


    In Maths, Owls have been interpreting bar charts and creating some of our own. In RE we have been learning about the creation story through guided visualisation. In English, we have been planning and writing a persuasive letter. The children are getting excited about their forthcoming trip to the Natural History Museum on Friday 18th May. We have also started to learn our songs for the ‘Big Sing’ concert. 


    Kestrels have been creating their own Greek myth comic strips based on the story of Arachne and Athene using an app on the iPads. In Maths we have started our statistics work, focusing on retrieving information from graphs, charts and tables. In Re we have started a new unit on the ‘Bible’ this week. In topic the children produced some incredible home learning for their project on Ancient Greece which is on display in the classroom. 


    Children in Falcons have been completing their own stories. In RE, the children have been looking at different international versions of the Lord’s Prayer and each child has written their own modern version. Lots of revision has taken place and the children are all working exceptionally hard and we are very proud of them all. Falcons and Kestrels have also been lucky to have Mrs Buckley who has been teaching them different Latin American dances. 


    Well done to all of the children who received a Headteacher's award this week.



    Phoebe Davies for super Maths work.
    Daniel Adams for being polite and helpful.



    Jacob Arrowsmith for always being ready to listen and learn.

    Lily Thomas for making super progress in writing.



    Ewan Tall for some wonderful topic work.
    Zac Goodwin for working hard in all subjects.



    Lizzie Ridout for her excellent attitude to learning.
    Alfie Robbins for his amazing archery skills.



    Yasmin Turner for being an excellent role model.
    Vinny Fernyhough for massive improvements in his maths learning.
