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Growing In Faith and Learning

'Growing in Faith and Learning' 'Life in all it's fullness' John 10:10

Welcome to St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Welcome to St. Leonard’s Church of England Primary School. We hope our website gives you a flavour of our vibrant, happy school and the achievements of our delightful children. We are a thriving church school in the picturesque village of Wigginton with a strong Christian ethos, growing in faith and learning. We passionately believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their goals and shine in their own unique and wonderful way. Our kind, caring and dedicated team nurture, motivate and encourage our children to be confident and well-rounded members of their community. I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of St. Leonard’s, a place where children develop a passion for learning, feel good about themselves, are proud of their achievements and create lasting memories of friendship and connection in our school family. I warmly invite you to come and visit us at St. Leonard’s Mrs Kirsty Cullen, Headteacher.

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • This week including Family worship

    Fri 22 Jun 2018

    Robins have had great fun making cress heads this week. Robins had a visit from the Police and they asked some excellent questions. Thank you to Mrs Wildes for arranging such a great experience. We have an exciting new hospital role play area. The reading ladder is proving popular with the children and more children are earning a treat for reading 5 times a week.


    In Maths, Kingfishers have been looking at measures, in particular, capacity, mass and temperature. English, has been focused on our new topic of Minibeasts and we have been exploring our new text linked to this. We have had lots of fun learning a Salsa dance all about the World Cup.


    Owls have been learning about safety. In ICT they have started their stop motion videos linked to the class text which we will hope to complete in the next week. They wrote a prediction and blurb in English. In RE, they have started their new topic on Sikhism. In Maths they have been learning about how to find area and have been undertaking investigations linked to this.


    In Maths, Kestrels have been using a protractor to measure angles. They have started their new topic in Science - sound. PE has focused on tennis skills this week and in RE they have been learning about Sikhism. In English the children have done some excellent persuasive writing, persuading people to visit Greece. Y5 children had a wonderful day at Open Door on Tuesday at St Editha's Church enjoying a range of activities. We were also lucky to go over to Rawlett to bake delicious brownies.


    This week the children in Falcons have written thank you letters to Standon Bowers and non-chronological reports on healthy lifestyles in Science and of course, the play rehearsals have begun.



    Congratulations to all the children who received a Headteacher's certificate in family worship this week:



    Isla for super progress with reading and sounds.
    Katie for showing a kind attitude towards other children.

    Noah for writing a diary as Captain Scott.
    Joshua W for being kind and caring towards other pupils.
    Joseph T for brilliant Van Gogh inspired artwork.

    Zac for excellent work on area.

    Ethan for creating an amazing persuasive piece of writing.
    Eliza for being so helpful in the classroom.

    Isla for going above and beyond at Standon Bowers.
    Eve for having an excellent story showing shifts in formality.
    Madison for being an excellent student who just gets on with everything.


    Congratulations to Kestrels who won this week’s attendance award for 99.3% attendance.

  • Family worhip

    Fri 15 Jun 2018

    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's award.



    Sophie-May for being kind and thoughtful to other children.

    Quincy for a super effort in reading.



    Asher for great work on mass.

    James for being a superstar.



    Millie for a wonderful play script.

    Amelia for always working hard and always being ready to learn.



    Oscar for writing a fabulous recount of Greek Day.

    Abraham for being so considerate of others - a super role model for everyone.



    Isla for going above and beyond at Standon Bowers.


  • This week including Family worship

    Fri 08 Jun 2018

    Robins have been by planting cress seeds and tasting different fruit / vegetables. In English they have produced full sentences and in Maths they have been looking at the names of shapes. They have also had a visitor who taught them all about what it is like to be blind. Our new outdoor construction and music areas have opened this week and enjoyed by all. 


    This week Kingfishers have been finishing off their topic on Explorers and writing their own poetry using Spike Milligan for inspiration. Next week they will begin their new topic of Minibeasts using an exciting book as the basis for their learning. In Maths they are busy exploring capacity and mass in practical ways. 


    Owls have been learning about capacity and reading different scales. In English they have looked at the features of a play script and have begun planning their own. In computing lessons, they have started to plan their own stop motion animations which have been a lot of fun. In Art, they have created their own colour wheels by mixing colours.


    Kestrels have been converting metric units in Maths this week and have enjoyed learning about this undertaking practical Maths. In English, the children have been writing a recount of their fantastic Greek Day. In DT children have been painting their Greek vases. The new science topic ‘Electricity’ is proving to be a favourite and children have been building circuits.


    It has been quiet here at school as Falcons have been having a brilliant time at Standon Bowers undertaking a range of exciting activities including caving, kayaking, orienteering, high ropes and lots of team work and games.


    Congratulations to all the children who received a Headteacher's certificate in family worship this week:



    Lacey Morgan for trying hard to count 1:1 objects.

    Eva Heathcote Gill for playing nicely and sharing with others.



    Joseph Tregaskis for brilliant Van Gogh inspired work.

    Elsie Owen for being an all-round superstar.



    Mazie Tedd for improving her presentation and for some great capacity work in Maths.

    Zac Goodwin for following instructions and for working extremely hard.



    Beau Holder for his amazing weaving.

    Tabitha Blackwood for her concentration and stamina.
