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Growing In Faith and Learning

'Growing in Faith and Learning' 'Life in all it's fullness' John 10:10

Welcome to St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Welcome to St. Leonard’s Church of England Primary School. We hope our website gives you a flavour of our vibrant, happy school and the achievements of our delightful children. We are a thriving church school in the picturesque village of Wigginton with a strong Christian ethos, growing in faith and learning. We passionately believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their goals and shine in their own unique and wonderful way. Our kind, caring and dedicated team nurture, motivate and encourage our children to be confident and well-rounded members of their community. I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of St. Leonard’s, a place where children develop a passion for learning, feel good about themselves, are proud of their achievements and create lasting memories of friendship and connection in our school family. I warmly invite you to come and visit us at St. Leonard’s Mrs Kirsty Cullen, Headteacher.

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • The last 2 weeks including Family Worship

    Fri 30 Nov 2018

    Robins have had a very busy and enjoyable two weeks. Last week they looked at ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ and did lots of lovely colourful activities based around crayons. Towards the end of the week, when the weather turned very chilly, they went for a winter walk outside, listening to how the grass and the leaves sounded when it was so cold. This week they are reading the text ‘The Colour Monster’, discussing  feelings and emotions, as well as what we can do when we feel a certain way. On Tuesday they had their Eucharist in school, where the children all behaved wonderfully.


    The children in Kingfishers have produced some wonderful artwork depicting London burning, using a range of media – chalk, sponge printing, paint, wax. In English they have been learning how to ask questions, label and add captions to pictures. In Guided Reading they are working on developing their inference skills. They are really enjoying their new Geometry unit in Maths, focussing this week on naming, describing and sorting 2D and 3D shapes, including everyday objects. They shared a lovely Eucharist Service with Rev Deb and Rev Liz, both of whom applauded the children on their prayer participation and exuberant singing! They have also made beautiful diva lamps to celebrate Diwali.


    Owls have been learning about the early forms of film. In maths they have been learning how to solve multiplication calculations and have been practising their key times tables. In RE they have been writing Kenning poems based on the Trinity. This week, they have finished making their scribble bots and have used the new computer suite to produce a report about how they made them.


    Last week Falcons participated in the Lichfield Music Share concert held at the Cathedral. The children were absolutely amazing and a brilliant time was had by all. Rev. Debra was also in school for children to take part in a Eucharist service, which was also very special. In class, they have still been carrying on with their work on fractions and children can now multiply, add and subtract them. They are moving on to look at the perimeter and area of shapes. Children have now also completed their non-chronological reports.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's this week.



    Cienna – trying her best at all times, listening carefully to what we are learning
    Levi – super use of phonics and beautiful handwriting



    Rosy B – her kindness & patience with others

    Beau – working hard in all lessons



    Finley – some wonderful work on multiplication
    Harvey – always working hard to complete tasks & supporting others



    Ethan – really maturing this year, and being very kind
    Jessica – writing a good informative non-chronological report


    Mrs Byrne’s Reader Award this term goes to Maisie in Kingfishers


    Congratulations to Kingfishers who won the Attendance award this week – 98% attendance.

  • Family worship

    Fri 23 Nov 2018

    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's award this week.



    Arthur – Super listening
    Alfie – Great effort when applying his phonics


    Sophie W – her fabulous writing in RE
    Delilah – always doing the right thing


    Amelia – always being ready to learn & focused
    Natalie – great co-operation while working on her scribble bot
    Elsie - great co-operation while working on her scribble bot


    Franchesca – having a ‘can do attitude’ even when things are tricky

    Eliza – persevering with simplifying fractions

  • A busy two weeks plus this weeks Family Worship

    Fri 16 Nov 2018

    It's been a very busy couple of weeks in school.


    Robins are enjoying the start of their new topic "Colours and Celebrations'. They started the half term by having sparklers and looking closely at the patterns they make when they are lit.  This was a first for many of the children and they all behaved brilliantly. This week they have been looking at the celebration of Diwali.  The children looked fabulous in their bright colours and are enjoying making Kandil lanterns. 

    In maths the children are looking at making patterns with colours and shapes and linking this to Rangoli patterns. Santa's workshop is up and running, with our little elves working hard on their toy building and wrapping skills. 


    In maths, Kingfishers have been developing their problem solving skills involving addition and subtraction and also practising how to explain their answers using reasoning language. They are very enthusiastic about the new topic, 'The Great Fire of London', and we have a fabulous text, written by E. Adams, to use in our English lessons. We have a Pudding Lane Bakery as our role play area.  We have been very lucky to welcome Simon and Maddie into school for Bike-Balance, with the children displaying brilliant

    co-ordination.  Rehearsals have begun this week for our Christmas production with Robins.


    Owls have made a great start to this new half term.  They have been investigating a crime scene on the field and have written a police report all about it.  In maths, they have been using inverse operations to check answers and have been learning how to use column subtraction. They have started their new RE topic all about the Trinity, This week they have started their machine dance and dodgeball in PE.


    Falcons have had a busy start back after the half term break.  In maths they are continuing to work on fractions and are currently learning how to write them in their simplest form.  In English, they are continuing their class text, 'Letters from the Lighthouse' which the children are gripped by. They are about to commence writing non-chronological reports about WW2 so have been carrying out research. Year 6 have also enjoyed a wonderful visit to the National Memorial Arboretum.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award this week.



    Quincy - super learner and trying her best at all times.

    Molly - super guided reading.



    Verity - writing a fantastic story based on the 3 little pigs.

    Joshua - being so helpful in the classroom.



    Dylan - his work with optical illusions.

    Joseph - always trying his best.



    Neeve - brilliant spooky story with excellent descriptive vocal.

    Jess - being incredibly caring and always looking after her peers.


    Congratulations to Falcons who won the Attendance award this week with 100% attendance.



