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Growing In Faith and Learning

'Growing in Faith and Learning' 'Life in all it's fullness' John 10:10

Welcome to St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Welcome to St. Leonard’s Church of England Primary School. We hope our website gives you a flavour of our vibrant, happy school and the achievements of our delightful children. We are a thriving church school in the picturesque village of Wigginton with a strong Christian ethos, growing in faith and learning. We passionately believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their goals and shine in their own unique and wonderful way. Our kind, caring and dedicated team nurture, motivate and encourage our children to be confident and well-rounded members of their community. I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of St. Leonard’s, a place where children develop a passion for learning, feel good about themselves, are proud of their achievements and create lasting memories of friendship and connection in our school family. I warmly invite you to come and visit us at St. Leonard’s Mrs Kirsty Cullen, Headteacher.

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Family Worship

    Fri 12 Apr 2019

    Congratulations to everyone who received a Headteacher's Award this week:



    Levi – working hard with his independent writing.
    Aoife – adding numbers independently.



    Phoebe – working extremely hard especially in writing.

    Beau - improvement in concentration.



    Daniel - listening carefully in class.

    Hattie – some excellent work in science.


  • Family Worship and the last 2 weeks.

    Fri 05 Apr 2019

    Robins have had another wonderful couple of weeks. They have been exploring different types of transport and enjoyed having a motorbike into school, where they asked lots of questions. The children have been working hard on their writing, linking what they have been learning to their independent activities. Last week they conducted a survey in maths, to see how we got to school and this week they have been measuring the distance of different cars travelling along a ramp. The children have been learning about the Easter Story in RE, developing their understanding of the different days of Easter. The children are still competing for an Easter Egg, by going to as many different activities as possible each day!


    In Maths Kingfishers have started a unit on Statistics, looking at pictograms and using tally charts. They have made wonderful ‘New Life’ posters for RE in the computer suite – they are experts at logging on now! They have created sequences of movements in Gym and in PE have applied their learned skills in a game of tag rugby! They continue to focus on poetry for comprehension in Guided Reading and wrote thank you letters to the staff at Sudbury Toy Museum. They made marmalade sandwiches for our Teddy Bears’ picnic and then wrote a set of instructions. In Science they have been looking at what types of food our bodies need to keep healthy.


    Owls have revisited their learning on written calculations for multiplication and division. The children have created an animation using PowerPoint in computing sessions. In English, they have written a recount of their amazing Viking Day and have written their very own dragon poems. In Religious Education, they have started to learn about what happened during Holy week. For PSHE, they have been learning about different types of secrets and how these make us feel.


    A busy and exciting couple of weeks for Falcons, where the children have again worked incredibly hard. Year 6 are busy revising and practicing for their SATs, whilst Year 5 continue to work with Miss Booth. Children have been working on fractions, decimals and percentages in maths, and in English, both year groups have written their own poems. In RE they planned and held a debate about who was responsible for Jesus’ death. This was a brilliant experience and the children had some well thought out arguments.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Immanuel – wonderful 3D shape work.
    Sophie A – super independent writing.
    Felix – a wonderful kind and caring attitude to everyone.

    Isabella – super addition during independent activities.



    Finlay – working extremely hard particularly in reading.

    Jacob – being so kind & caring to everyone.
    Verity – her kindness & helpfulness.
    Delilah – brilliant work using fractions.

    Oakley – being a kind member of the class. Oakley loves to help other children with their learning.



    Cameron – solving word problems involving fractions.

    Hattie – working hard & always for being on task.
    Dylan – working so hard to learn all of his lines & songs.

    Emily W – always following the golden rules.



    Thomas – fantastic flashback story writing.
    Neeve – consistently working hard in every lesson.
    Thomas – fantastic maths learning of long division.
    Ruby – just being loveliest girl! Always kind, always helpful, always works hard.


    Mrs Byrne’s Reading award – James Flanagan.

    The attendance award this week goes to Robins for 95% attendance.  Well done.
