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Growing In Faith and Learning

'Growing in Faith and Learning' 'Life in all it's fullness' John 10:10

Welcome to St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Welcome to St. Leonard’s Church of England Primary School. We hope our website gives you a flavour of our vibrant, happy school and the achievements of our delightful children. We are a thriving church school in the picturesque village of Wigginton with a strong Christian ethos, growing in faith and learning. We passionately believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their goals and shine in their own unique and wonderful way. Our kind, caring and dedicated team nurture, motivate and encourage our children to be confident and well-rounded members of their community. I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of St. Leonard’s, a place where children develop a passion for learning, feel good about themselves, are proud of their achievements and create lasting memories of friendship and connection in our school family. I warmly invite you to come and visit us at St. Leonard’s Mrs Kirsty Cullen, Headteacher.

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Wellness Day

    Wed 22 Jan 2020

    Our worship committee, with a bit of help from Mrs Hunt, planned a wonderful day for the whole school focusing on our own wellbeing. Pupils interviewed other pupils to find out what they do to relax and what activities they like to do to give them a little boost when they need it. The staff then planned, with help from the worship committee, a range of activities that the children undertook throughout the day including Big art, visualisation, guided meditation, stretching and relaxation classes, reading for pleasure, lego, mindful colouring in and painting stones in the fresh air. 


    It was a wonderful day, enjoyed by all.  When can we do it again please?

  • Robins news

    Fri 08 Nov 2019
    Robins have had a really busy week.  They looked at fireworks and made firework art using toothbrushes and cotton buds.  They also cut up the pumpkins from their farm shop and investigated what they are like inside. They then used their phonics to write about them.  As part of maths they used the ipads, playing counting games and recognising numbers.
  • Family Worship and the last 3 weeks

    Fri 25 Oct 2019

    Robins have had a wonderful and busy few weeks. They have really enjoyed learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears, making and tasting porridge as well as using the small world to retell the story. We planted beans for Jack and the Beanstalk and they have grown so well! This week has been an Autumn week, where they have had their very own farm shop with real fruit and vegetables. They have really enjoyed using the till and exchanging money. Mrs Young even made a visit to our shop! The children have made apple crumble after our apple and pear delivery by Farmer Ollie, it was delicious! We have made our own prayer socks to help us when we talk to God at our Worship table.


    Kingfishers donned scarves, jackets and wigs last week to become weather presenters: They used their Scientific knowledge and language to describe the weather in Wigginton. In Topic they have researched a seaside location (St. Ives) and made persuasive posters and leaflets about it. In English they have been planning and writing an alternative ending to ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ and have been learning about addition ‘Fact Families’ in Maths. We made Creation wheels in RE and used them to retell this powerful story to the children in Owls. In Computing they have just finished their programming topic where they've learnt to give instructions and correct them if they're wrong. The children were absolutely wonderful in their ‘Little Red Hen’ drama at church for Harvest.


    Owls have been enjoying their Rotten Romans topic. They have started to learn about why the Romans invaded Britain and what life was like in Britain before the Romans invaded. In RE, they have been learning about the covenant made between Noah and God and how this is linked to marriage. In English, they have written a recount of their Roman day and have identified the features of a news paper article and planned their very own ones linked to the story of Boudicca. In art, they have designed and made some roman mosaics using small pieces of paper. In maths lesson they have been learning about Roman Numerals and how to count back through 0 into negative numbers.


    Falcons have had a very busy last few weeks of the half term. They had great fun in English writing a news interview where children interviewed each other about their views on hunting. We set up a BBC News studio and then recorded the interviews. In maths they have been learning about prime, square and cubed numbers, factors and multiples and learning the short method of multiplication. In topic they completed ink printing dream pictures, which look brilliant and have designed dreamcatchers ready to make after the holiday. In RE they have continued their unit about what kind of king Jesus was. We have thought about Christian and global injustice and looked at some of the different charities that try to fight for fairness and equality.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:


    • Sasha-May – always doing the right thing

    • Brodie – working really hard with his phonics

    • Evan – settling so well into school & trying all activities

    • Teddy R – fantastic writing using his phonics


    • Phoebe – putting her hand more on the carpet & asking questions

    • Sophie A – being very tidy & helpful in class

    • Quincy – being really thoughtful & kind to other members of the class

    • Oakley – excellent work in maths on number families


    • Lily T – always being on task

    • Kayden – some excellent research into what Roman soldiers carried with them

    • Daniel – some excellent work in Science

    • Natalie - always being ready to learn & for always being focused on tasks


    • Jasmine – being amazing with her new buddy in Robins

    • Jessica – a lovely diary in English in the role of Texas ranger

    • Amelia – being an all round wonderful girl who has excellent behaviour & works hard at everything

      she does.

    • Lizzie – a wonderful biography about Ernest Thompson Seton

      Timestable Rockstars

    • Cameron Hunter

    • Ollie J

    • Joe

      This week’s attendance winner was—Robins with 100% Attendance.


  • Family Worship and the last 2 weeks.

    Fri 04 Oct 2019

    Robins have had a lovely couple of weeks and are really enjoying reading all of the traditional tales. The children are using more story language and have enjoyed making Gingerbread Men and baking cakes to support learning the stories. In Maths the children are still working on number recognition as well as beginning to add 2 small group of objects together by counting them. The children have met their buddies and had their first visit to church, where they walked and behaved beautifully.


    In RE, Kingfishers responded to the Creation story through drama and dance with the children producing some lovely group creations of their own! In English they have been writing poems based on the one they wrote with the poet, James Carter, and for Maths they continue to compare and order numbers and amounts. They have made weather vanes and rain gauges in Science to help us observe and record data about the weather. They are really enjoying programming in computing and in topic are learning what seaside's were like in the past. We are very proud of the collages they made using a variety of media for their ‘Seaside Art’ which is on display in the new building. The children are working extremely hard and the Y1’s seem to have settled really well!


    In class, Owls have continued to learn about the ancient Romans. They have designed a Roman mosaic and have created their very own Roman purses (With the help of some brilliant volunteers!). In maths they have been comparing and ordering numbers using their place value knowledge. They have also been learning about common multiples and using their times tables knowledge to help identify these. In RE, they have continued to work on the story of Noah and the covenant he made with God. They have discussed the different agreements we make in our daily lives and talked about the consequences if these agreements are broken. In English this week, they have produced some fantastic Kenning poems which were the outcome from their work with the poet James Carter. They have created a Roman Soldier Kenning poem as well. Their French lesson this week was focused on different French greetings such as ‘bonjour’ and how to greet different people. Not to mention their amazing Roman Day on Wednesday.


    Falcons have settled into our daily routine really well and have had a very busy couple of weeks. They are continuing with the class text of the Wolves of Currumpaw and have written a biography about Ernest Thompson Seton who was a naturalist, author and pioneer of the American Boy Scouts movement, being a key influence on Lord Baden- Powell. In maths they have been learning about Roman numerals, negative numbers and common factors. The children are also enjoying their topic on Native America and have used ink printing in art to create dream pictures. In RE lessons they have looked at the Lord’s Prayer and written simplified versions of these for our younger children.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Lacey – fabulous effort in phonics
    Maisy – super listening at all times & trying her very best

    Elijah – having a wonderful attitude to learning. He always works hard
    Alfie B – learning all of his spellings. Well done!

    Edwin – always working so hard in class
    Emily – a lovely description of an ancient pirate ship

    Tabitha – fantastic learning and ideas in guided reading
    Finley – being a great role model for Falcons & always working as hard as he can 


    The attendance award this week goes to Owls for 99 % attendance.

  • Grandparent's Lunch

    Thu 03 Oct 2019

    What a wonderful afternoon we had welcoming many Grandparents at our special Grandparents’ lunch to celebrate Grandparents Day (Sunday 6th October) and to say thank you for all that they do. Our guests were treated to a tasty chicken roast dinner followed by apple crumble and custard. It was such an enjoyable event.

  • Poetry day

    Fri 27 Sep 2019

    We had an absolutely brilliant day welcoming James Carter (a famous poet) to our school. The children learned so many new poetry skills and enjoyed putting together their pieces to perform to parents/carers at the end of the day. Thank you to everyone who was able to come along to watch the performances who I’m sure will agree– it was a great performance. I would also like to say a special thank you also to Mrs Cooke for arranging such an amazing experience for our pupils. You can see us featuring in the Herald this week.

  • Family Worship and the last 2 weeks.

    Fri 20 Sep 2019

    Robins have really settled well into school.  Reception children are being superb role models to Nursery, setting wonderful examples. They have started their Phonics this week, with Reception starting Phase 2 and Nursery focusing on their listening skills with Beat Baby. The children have done 2 PE lessons, where they are working hard on changing for PE as well as their spatial awareness. In maths they have been working on counting to 20 and recognising numbers to 10, ordering them when they feel confident. This week they have been looking at the story of The Three Little Pigs, where the children have been working hard on their story language. Their role play linked to this has been brilliant! In RE, the children made sheep, linking to the story of the Lost Sheep.


    For their ‘Beside the Sea’ topic Kingfishers had a seaside day which was a wonderful opportunity to don their summer clothes and participate in many fun activities, such as designing and making ice lollies and enjoying a fish and chip dinner! They are focussing on place value and number in Maths and in English have been writing descriptions of Mr Grinling from ‘A Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. They have been noticing the weather in different seasons in Science and have linked this with their unit of Dance, moving like raindrops and skating on ice. They are really enjoying their Games sessions with Mr Carter and Mr Bryan. They are getting much quicker at logging on to Bug Club on the ipads and love using them for Guided Reading. They also had their first spelling test! In RE, they have been exploring and appreciating the beauty and splendour of God’s wonderful world.


    Owls have been learning about how the Roman Empire spread across Europe and how the Roman Army was important to its success. The children have learnt all about the training and equipment that the soldiers used to receive. In maths, they have been learning about place value and how we can differentiate numbers in different ways. In RE, they have started to investigate the big question “What is it like to follow God?” They have started by looking at the story of Noah and the covenant he made with God. In English this week, they have been learning how to improve their sentences by using powerful verbs and expanded noun phrases.

    Last week Falcons had their first rehearsal for the concert at Lichfield Cathedral. In maths learning they have been working on place value, addition and subtraction and thinking about their reasoning skills. In English they have begun their class text, ‘The Wolves of Currumpaw’ and have been writing diaries. In topic they have been looking at who were the Native Americans . Their art and DT will be making dream catchers so in art this week they thought about their best dreams . In RE their unit is thinking about what kind of King Jesus was. They have been thinking about and discussing whether Jesus came to Earth to make it more like Heaven or to prepare people to be ready for Heaven. The children are looking at the Lord’s prayer and considering how this links to these ideas.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Martha – trying all activities with a great learning attitude
    Cienna – coming to school with a fabulous reception ready attitude! Super Star!



    Katie – using excellent manners in the classroom
    Elsie – completing some excellent topic work on the features of the seaside
    Alfie M – writing a fantastic recount of his summer holiday
    Roma – settling into Year 1 so well & trying her very best in everything we’re doing



    Asher – always being focused on his learning
    Adelaide – some super partitioning in maths
    Grace – demonstrating an excellent attitude towards her learning

    James – some excellent partitioning in maths



    Ethan – showing that he’s grown in maturity & always working hard

    Freya S – really challenging herself so far this year particularly in maths

    Leo – working so hard in every lesson so far this year
    Ronnie – settling so well into Falcons & for wonderful behaviour


    The attendance award this week goes to OWLS for 100% attendance

  • Welcome back

    Fri 06 Sep 2019

    Welcome back to the new school year.  We hope you have all had a lovely time with your children over the holidays.  The children have settled back into the routines of school quickly and they all look very smart in their uniforms.  It has been wonderful welcoming our new children into school.


    It has been a busy first week back:

    Robins have settled really well in their new setting. It has been lovely to see their smiles as they walk into class and want to try all areas of the classroom. The first 2 weeks will all be about settling into Robins, getting to know the other children as well as the routines of the class. We will then move onto our first topic ‘Once upon a time’, where the children will be looking at a range of different stories and how they are written. We will also be starting our Phonics lessons, Reception children will be learning new sounds, whilst Nursery children will be doing listening walks and identifying different sounds around the school. In maths we will be introducing number and developing their understanding of each number. In RE children are learning about what makes every person special?


    Kingfishers have all settled in brilliantly! This half term our topic is 'Beside the Seaside' and we've already started it by looking at different seaside locations on Google Earth. In English we're starting our work on 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' and in maths we're learning about place value. In PE, we're doing seaside dancing and we're also very excited about our first session with the sports coach on Tuesday. Our science topic is focusing on Seasonal changes. In RE, the children will be exploring the question – Who made the world?


    Owls have really impressed us in their first week. In English our class text is called ‘the Diary of a Roman slave’. We will be exploring Ancient Rome and writing some of our own diary entries. In Maths, we will be learning about place value, how we can represent numbers in different ways and how to order and compare numbers. In science we have started our topic on magnets and forces. We will be learning what a force is and identifying forces around us. Our RE topic is entitled ‘What is it like to follow God?’ We will be learning about the follows of Jesus and how God guides Christians. Our topic is called the rotten Romans. We will be learning about Ancient Rome and how the Rome empire spread. In PE, we will be having one session of basketball and one gym session this half term


    Falcons have started off with a great first week back. Our topic this term is Native America where we will be learning about the history and making dream catchers. Our English text of the Wolves of Currumpaw, which we will be using to write diaries and persuasive writing. In Maths we have begun looking at place value and how to read, write and order larger numbers. In Science, we are learning about space including how the planets move in relation to each other and the sun and looking at day and night and the seasons. Our RE topic this term is looking at what kind of King Jesus was and we began yesterday by having a debate about why Jesus came to Earth. We will be having PE lessons on a Monday and Thursday this year where we will be doing dance (with our new sports coach) and basketball..

  • Goodbye and Good Luck

    Fri 19 Jul 2019

    We said goodbye to our Year 6 children this week. They held their leavers service at church and they all had a great time at their leaving party.  We will miss them all and wish them every success in their new schools. 


    We hope you all have a lovely summer holidays and we look forward to seeing you in September. 

  • The last 2 weeks including Family Worship

    Fri 19 Jul 2019

    Robins have had a busy but productive couple of weeks. We have made the most of the weather, enjoying taking our learning outside. The children have produced some wonderful spaceships, linking to our Space topic. We really enjoyed our Teddy Bear Picnic, celebrating the year we have had together. 


    Kingfishers Plants topic has been brilliant – we have lettuces and potatoes as well as flowers in our planters. We are so happy to see that our young children are developing an interest in gardening. We have been lucky enough this week to welcome into school Barbara, who follows the Islam faith. She answered questions and described her life as a Muslim. We have written an account of travelling on a steam train in history. In Maths we have been exploring pattern, position and direction, a practical unit focussing on the language we use for changes in movement. In English we have completed our information writing on ‘Hoverbike’, creating a leaflet. We have also enjoyed our transition ‘play-dates’ with our new teachers.


    Owls have made their volcanoes erupt using bicarb, vinegar and food colouring. They were very impressive! In maths, they have been learning how to plot coordinates in all four quadrants. They have created shapes and images by plotting coordinates on a grid. In RE, they have been learning about the features of Gurdwara and compared them to other places of worship. In English, they have planned and written leaflets about Tamworth Castle. In science, the children have been learning about sound waves and how sound travels.


    Falcons have had a busy two weeks with the brilliant production and all the year 6 leaver’s events, but have been thoroughly enjoyed by all. 


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Olivia – settling well into school routines.
    Bear – settling well during group activities & listening carefully.
    Henry – trying lots of different activities.

    Finlay – his excellent behaviour, his helpfulness & being a great friend.
    Asher – using effective methods to solve problems in maths.

    Gabriel – using some wonderful scientific language during our science lessons.

    Kayden – working hard to improve his work all the time.

    Freya S – excellent poster about Rebecca Adlington.
    Grace D – a great attitude and helping with year 5.


    Dojo Award Winners – most reward points for the whole year.

    • Nursery– Cienna

    • Reception– Harry

    • Year 1– Finlay

    • Year 2– Lily T

    • Year 3- Elsie

    • Year 4– Amelia

    • Year 5– Freya

    • Year 6– Franchesca


