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Growing In Faith and Learning

'Growing in Faith and Learning' 'Life in all it's fullness' John 10:10

Welcome to St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Welcome to St. Leonard’s Church of England Primary School. We hope our website gives you a flavour of our vibrant, happy school and the achievements of our delightful children. We are a thriving church school in the picturesque village of Wigginton with a strong Christian ethos, growing in faith and learning. We passionately believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their goals and shine in their own unique and wonderful way. Our kind, caring and dedicated team nurture, motivate and encourage our children to be confident and well-rounded members of their community. I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of St. Leonard’s, a place where children develop a passion for learning, feel good about themselves, are proud of their achievements and create lasting memories of friendship and connection in our school family. I warmly invite you to come and visit us at St. Leonard’s Mrs Kirsty Cullen, Headteacher.

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Family Worship and the last 2 weeks

    Fri 28 Jun 2019

    Shuffle up day

    The children were superbly behaved during the shuffle up day and produced some lovely work that we hope to display in their new classrooms in September.

    It was wonderful welcoming in our new Robins children who all settled really well too.

    Many of our year 6 pupils have also had their induction days this week at their high schools. We look forward to hearing all about their new adventures.


    Robins have had a very busy couple of weeks but are thoroughly enjoying the learning taking place. As their topic is Space, they have been looking at the book ‘Aliens love underpants’, where the children have been painting their own designs for underpants as well as writing about the story. Reception children are working hard to use their phonics in their writing and Nursery children are working hard to write their own names. In maths they have been looking more at shapes, with the children naming their properties. Whilst the children were initially nervous, the children have enjoyed their shuffle up days, getting to know their new classes and they seem much happier now they understand what will be happening in September. In RE they are looking at churches in greater detail as well as why we go to church. The children enjoyed naming the different parts of the church.


    Kingfishers have had a brilliant week! Monday was sports day and all the children did fantastically well. On Tuesday they visited Alvecote Woods and despite the rainy weather, they learnt lots about plants for their science topic. In English they have started work on 'The Hoverbike' where they've been trying really hard to stretch their vocabulary. In Maths they have been measuring using balance scales and solving problems involving weights. They have used art in RE this week to create mosques which are on display in the foyer. In topic they've started work on transport by sketching modes of transport throughout history and today they made their own pictures of Viking longboats


    Owls have created their own volcano models which they will make erupt. In maths, they have been learning how to read analogue and digital time. They have been converting between the two forms and between 12hr and 24hr times. In RE, they have been learning more about the kingdom of God and how the events of Pentecost helped spread God’s kingdom on earth. In English, they have been writing a story based on the events from their class text called Flood. In PE this week they used all of the skills they have been learning to help play a game of cricket.


    Falcons have had a busy couple of weeks! Rehearsals for Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies are finally coming together and the children have learnt their lines really well. They have also now got well into the prop and scenery making. In lessons they have continued to learn and write about the Amazon Rainforest and have produced some absolutely amazing watercolour paintings of rainforest animals. 

    We also had our shuffle up morning on Wednesday and had a lovely time together getting to know each other.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Roma – working hard to improve her cutting skills when working independently.

    Reeva – settling into class more confidently & making new friends.



    Edwin – his fabulous work in maths.
    Lily T – being so kind, friendly & helpful.


    Dylan – some great work in computing this week.
    Kayden – working so hard to complete all tasks.


    Tabitha – being a model student – always working hard & trying to be the best she can be.

    Ethan – an amazing watercolour painting of an Amazon tree frog.

    Reading award – Finlay Hunter

    The attendance award this week goes to Kingfishers for 99% attendance.

  • Sports Day

    Mon 24 Jun 2019

    Congratulations to St. Matthew who were this year’s sports day winners.

    We were really proud of all of the children who competed,. There was lots of cheering, great sportsmanship and some friendly competitive spirit.

    Thank you to all of those parents who braved the cold to support this event.

  • The last 2 weeks including Family Worship

    Fri 14 Jun 2019

    Robins have had a busy but fun start to this half term. They have just started their new topic ‘Out of this World’, where they are learning all about Space. Their first text has been ‘Whatever Next!’ where the children have been roleplaying the different characters and writing as Baby Bear in their own rockets, made from cardboard boxes. In Maths, they have been learning about capacity and problem solving to see which container holds the most. They have started a new RE topic ‘What happens in a Church?’, where they will be looking at all of the things we do when we go to church.


    Kingfishers have had a busy, exciting couple of weeks! They loved putting on their class assembly for parents. In Science, they have planted their own beans and have also conducted an investigation to test the conditions a plant needs to grow healthily. In Maths they have moved on to measures, a practical unit focussing on mass. For RE, they have been looking at places of worship across faiths. They have made pop–up superheroes in DT and then written the instructions during English. They have really improved in throwing the javelin in Athletics. The Y1 children have made us extremely proud as they have worked their socks off during the Phonic Screening checks this week.


    Owls have been learning about physical geography and how volcanoes can affect people’s lives. In maths they have been learning how to interpret line graphs and bar charts. They have collected their own data and presented it in a graph. They have used excel to record data and present it using a graph. In RE, they have been learning about what happened after the disciples had received the Holy Spirit. We discussed how they might have felt at this time. In English, they have performed weather forecast scripts and they have been extending sentences using subordinate conjunctions. They have been learning how to bowl under arm and over arm in PE this week.


    Falcons have continued to be busy this week preparing for their end of term production. The hall has been filled with singing, dancing and laughter and the classroom filled with prop making and emerging costumes. In English lessons, pupils have been undertaking their own research on rainforests to write a non-chronological report. In maths pupils have been focusing on translation. PE this week has been football and dance choreography. In RE they are beginning their new theme focusing on ’What would a fair world look like?’ The children have been asking and answering some very ‘Big’ questions.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Felicity – super use of phonics in her writing.
    Sophia-May – working really hard with her writing, remembering her phonics & finger




    Poppy - being helpful & caring in class.

    Isla C – working very hard, particularly in maths.



    Amelia – always being ready to learn & for helping others in need.

    Ollie J – some great work in PE during our cricket sessions.



    Abraham – an absolutely amazing setting description.
    Jess – having a ‘can do’ attitude even though she has struggled with her arms!


    The attendance award this week goes to Robins for 100% attendance

  • Family Worship

    Fri 07 Jun 2019

    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Ezra – settling into school well & smiling as he comes in.
    Jude – working really hard on his letter formation.



    Oakley – his helpfulness & tidiness!
    Angel-Lee – working very hard especially in phonics.



    Jacob – always listening & working hard.
    Elsie O – some wonderful RE work relating to Pentecost.


    Ruby – having such a positive attitude to learning all the time.
    Beau – trying incredibly hard with his adventure story.

  • Science Fair

    Fri 24 May 2019

    Well done to all of the children who have taken part in the Science Fair: Delilah, Maisie S, Jacob A, Leo, Megan B, Finlay M, Ollie O, Jason, Asher ,Lizzie R, Freya, Neeve, Bethany, Alfie R, Rhea, Alfie, Isla and Felicity. There were lots of brilliant demonstrations of ‘How things work’.


    The Winners were chosen by the director of the diocese - Leo’s lemons, Ollie O’s Big Bang and Freya and Lizzie’s Elephant’s toothpaste and they will go on to represent our school in the final being held at Rawlett. Alfie Macbeth was chosen as the runner up and received a special commendation . Thank you to Miss Preece for organising such a brilliant event! .

  • Family Worship and the last 2 weeks

    Fri 24 May 2019

    Robins (Nursery and Reception)

    Robins have had a fun and busy couple of weeks. They have had lots of fun learning about the circus and it has been lovely to see them using some of the skills taught in the workshop. The children have been drawing and writing about what they would be in the circus, with Reception really applying their phonics.

    In maths, they have been looking at halving and doubling, with the children sharing items in a picnic. Through RE, they looked at the creation of the Earth, with the children producing some lovely paintings, drawings and writing.


    Kingfishers (Year 1 & 2)

    Although the Y2 children have been busy with their ‘special work’, they have packed a lot into the last fortnight! In Maths they have been learning about telling the time; o’clock, half past and quarter past. In Athletics they have been practising their throwing skills with the javelins and have been creating superhero partner sequences (working in unison) in dance. They have looked closely at flowering plants in Science, to identify and label the different parts and have started to plant their own bulbs and seeds in the outside planters. For our Prayer unit in RE, they have been exploring the various ways we can talk to God. In English they used drama to imagine they were superheroes enrolling for ‘Superhero Academy’ and then wrote diaries about their day. They have ended their English topic with a brilliant Superhero dress up day today which was great fun and also wrote superhero poems. They learnt about a real life superhero from the past, Florence Nightingale, and made lamps.


    Owls (Year 3 & 4)

    Owls have been learning about the different layers of the earth and how volcanoes are formed. In maths they have been learning how to give change and have started to learn how to interpret pictograms and bar charts. They have been learning how to use Excel during their computing sessions. They have input data and used formulas to find the mean, mode and frequency. In Re, they have been learning about what happened at Pentecost and have created some pieces of art inspired by these events. In English, they have looked at the features of scripts and have begun to write their own scripts for a weather forecast.


    Falcons (Year 5 & 6)

    We are incredibly proud of both Year 5 and 6 children – Year 6 for completing their SATs last week and all the hard work they did in preparation both at school and at home. Year 5 you are amazing too – the support you showed to your friends in Year 6 was so lovely to see.

    It’s that time of year again now – play preparation! Children will still be completing lessons in the mornings and RE, PE and Science in the afternoons but they will have to fit practicing around these. I’m sure the children will be amazing as always!


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Arthur Ha – a wonderful kind & caring attitude to everyone.

    Lochlan – super discussion about sea creatures.



    Joshua – his amazing writing.
    Rosy B – her kindness & politeness.



    Emily – a wonderful description in English.
    Lula – being focused in class & always happy to help others.



    All of year 6 for their hard work during SATs.


    The attendance award this week goes to Owls for 98% attendance.

  • Family Worship

    Fri 17 May 2019

    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Stanley – settling in so well & going to all activities.
    Eva – wonderful independent writing.


    Lacey – getting on so well with her friends.

    Grace – her wonderful reading & maths.



    Jasmine – working so hard in all of her lessons.
    Harvey – some excellent work in topic.


    Emily – super effort & application with maths work
    Freya – being a super kind & helpful member of the class

  • Family Worship and the last 2 weeks

    Fri 10 May 2019

    Robins have settled back into school well after our Easter break and would like to welcome our 4 new Nursery children to our class. This half term, they are learning through the topic 'The Greatest Show', a topic the children have asked to do and where they are learning about the circus and how it has changed. They thoroughly enjoyed our Circus skills day and the children worked really hard to use all of the equipment provided. In Reception, they are working really hard to develop their writing of sentences and in Maths they are developing their addition and subtraction within 10 and 20. In Nursery, the children are working hard to become more independent in the activities they choose and we are working hard to help the children learn to write their name.


    Kingfishers have launched their new English text ‘Supertato’ and the children have made their own superheroes with potatoes! They have written descriptions and planned an adventure story for their own Supertatoes. They have started a new unit in RE focussing on ‘Prayer’ and talked to God during meditation. In Maths they have been measuring length using standard and non-standards units and converting cm to metres. In PE they have started their Athletics unit, practising running and leaping skills over the hurdles. They are learning a superhero dance too. They have spent time in the computer suite playing phonics and maths games, and have completed their animals theme in science and have shared ideas about where to plant seeds and bulbs in the school grounds to observe for our topic on ‘PLANTS’. They also wrote letters to The Duke and Duchess of Sussex congratulating them on the birth of their new baby.


    Owls have started their new topic called Extreme Earth. They designed and made a machine to help us clean up after a flood. In maths they have been learning about money. They learnt to make amounts in different ways and have converted between pence and pounds. In RE, they have been thinking about what we are thankful for and have recorded these which will be displayed in our prayer space this half term. In English this week, we started our new text ‘Flood’. They have written predictions and have been learning about adverbial phrases.


    Yet another busy week for Falcons. Year 5 were fortunate to be invited to Belgrave Fire Station to participate in the ‘Safe and Sound’ day. This was a very enjoyable day for them learning about different aspects of safety. In English they have been writing adventure stories for a whole school writing competition. As you would expect, Year 6 have been doing lots of practise for their upcoming SATs next week, which I’m sure they will all do well in! In RE, we have completed our topic about Easter and looked at Pentecost. We will be starting our new topic next week.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Lacey – a lovely kind & caring attitude at all times.
    Emily – wonderful phonics work.


    Archie – his excellent behaviour in class & outside at break time.

    Katie – her maths, phonics & writing – excellent work.

    Isla – a wonderful adventure story.
    Harvey – being supportive of others.


    Elsa – being kind & supporting peers with their learning.
    Laila – extra effort & application to maths.


    The attendance award this week goes to Kingfishers for 98% attendance.

  • Family Worship

    Fri 12 Apr 2019

    Congratulations to everyone who received a Headteacher's Award this week:



    Levi – working hard with his independent writing.
    Aoife – adding numbers independently.



    Phoebe – working extremely hard especially in writing.

    Beau - improvement in concentration.



    Daniel - listening carefully in class.

    Hattie – some excellent work in science.


  • Family Worship and the last 2 weeks.

    Fri 05 Apr 2019

    Robins have had another wonderful couple of weeks. They have been exploring different types of transport and enjoyed having a motorbike into school, where they asked lots of questions. The children have been working hard on their writing, linking what they have been learning to their independent activities. Last week they conducted a survey in maths, to see how we got to school and this week they have been measuring the distance of different cars travelling along a ramp. The children have been learning about the Easter Story in RE, developing their understanding of the different days of Easter. The children are still competing for an Easter Egg, by going to as many different activities as possible each day!


    In Maths Kingfishers have started a unit on Statistics, looking at pictograms and using tally charts. They have made wonderful ‘New Life’ posters for RE in the computer suite – they are experts at logging on now! They have created sequences of movements in Gym and in PE have applied their learned skills in a game of tag rugby! They continue to focus on poetry for comprehension in Guided Reading and wrote thank you letters to the staff at Sudbury Toy Museum. They made marmalade sandwiches for our Teddy Bears’ picnic and then wrote a set of instructions. In Science they have been looking at what types of food our bodies need to keep healthy.


    Owls have revisited their learning on written calculations for multiplication and division. The children have created an animation using PowerPoint in computing sessions. In English, they have written a recount of their amazing Viking Day and have written their very own dragon poems. In Religious Education, they have started to learn about what happened during Holy week. For PSHE, they have been learning about different types of secrets and how these make us feel.


    A busy and exciting couple of weeks for Falcons, where the children have again worked incredibly hard. Year 6 are busy revising and practicing for their SATs, whilst Year 5 continue to work with Miss Booth. Children have been working on fractions, decimals and percentages in maths, and in English, both year groups have written their own poems. In RE they planned and held a debate about who was responsible for Jesus’ death. This was a brilliant experience and the children had some well thought out arguments.


    Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:



    Immanuel – wonderful 3D shape work.
    Sophie A – super independent writing.
    Felix – a wonderful kind and caring attitude to everyone.

    Isabella – super addition during independent activities.



    Finlay – working extremely hard particularly in reading.

    Jacob – being so kind & caring to everyone.
    Verity – her kindness & helpfulness.
    Delilah – brilliant work using fractions.

    Oakley – being a kind member of the class. Oakley loves to help other children with their learning.



    Cameron – solving word problems involving fractions.

    Hattie – working hard & always for being on task.
    Dylan – working so hard to learn all of his lines & songs.

    Emily W – always following the golden rules.



    Thomas – fantastic flashback story writing.
    Neeve – consistently working hard in every lesson.
    Thomas – fantastic maths learning of long division.
    Ruby – just being loveliest girl! Always kind, always helpful, always works hard.


    Mrs Byrne’s Reading award – James Flanagan.

    The attendance award this week goes to Robins for 95% attendance.  Well done.
