Growing In Faith and Learning
Our School Vision
Our vision is to be an outstanding church school, guided by God, where learning is irresistible, achievement is high and our pupils leave us as independent successful learners, happy, confident individuals and caring, responsible citizens, excited by challenge, change and possibility.
‘Life in all its fullness’ John 10:10
What makes our school special?
Our school is special because of all of the wonderful people who learn and work here. We are proud of our Christian vision that defines who we are; why we are here and how we live s that pupils and staff flourish. 'Life in all its fullness' (John 10:10) is something that we try to encompass every day, not taking anything for granted and grasping every opportunity that comes our way.
We encourage pupils to adopt values which will leave the world a better place because of what they themselves will be able to contribute. Children are expected to do their best t all times and to take pride in the work which they produce. Good manners and good behaviour are encouraged at the school and the children are taught to care for the school and the environment.
Our Christian vision and values permeate throughout all of our school life and we hope they stay with our school family forever. We have great links with our Church and the community as well as links to amazing charities both near and far.
Prayer at St. Leonard's is very important to us and there are always opportunities to pray at school whether that be in our daily prayers; in our collective worships; at our class prayer spaces; in our monthly visits to church or when every we want to talk to God. Prayer is always invitational.
Our Morning Prayer
Thank you God for this new day,
In our school to work and play.
Please be with us all day long.
In every lesson, game and song.
May all the happy things we do,
Make you our Father happy too.
Our Lunchtime Prayer
Thank you for dinner,
Thank you for my friends,
Thank you for my family
And a love that never ends.
Our Home time Prayer
Lord, we pray for your blessing on everyone.
As we sleep tonight Lord, may we be:
Refreshed for tomorrow, healed of hurts, soothed from fears
And secure in the wealth of your love.
Our School Prayer- written by the pupils of St. Leonard's.
Dear Loving God,
Thank you for the opportunities you have provided us with. Please guide us as we progress through this school and look after us in times of need. Help us to fulfil our potential and help others achieve theirs. Help us to grow in faith and learn together.