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Growing In Faith and Learning

'Growing in Faith and Learning' 'Life in all it's fullness' John 10:10

Welcome to St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Welcome to St. Leonard’s Church of England Primary School. We hope our website gives you a flavour of our vibrant, happy school and the achievements of our delightful children. We are a thriving church school in the picturesque village of Wigginton with a strong Christian ethos, growing in faith and learning. We passionately believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their goals and shine in their own unique and wonderful way. Our kind, caring and dedicated team nurture, motivate and encourage our children to be confident and well-rounded members of their community. I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of St. Leonard’s, a place where children develop a passion for learning, feel good about themselves, are proud of their achievements and create lasting memories of friendship and connection in our school family. I warmly invite you to come and visit us at St. Leonard’s Mrs Kirsty Cullen, Headteacher.


PE Intent Statement


Our intent for PE at St Leonard's CofE Primary School is to encourage sport across all year groups, promoting the inclusion for all abilities.  We offer a range of activities to encourage boys and girls of all ages to participate in a variety of activities and encouraging a healthy lifestyle.  We provide the children with the opportunities to compete in sports within our own school as well as with linking with other schools, promoting good sportsmanship, following the Olympic Values and helping them to understand healthy competition.

We are proud to be School Games Gold Award winners

The PE Leader at St Leonard's is Miss Batchelor Robbins.  If you need have any questions about PE, please feel free to contact the school office at 01827 213995.

PE Curriculum

Our PE Priorities 22-23

We have highlighted the following priorities for us to develop in PE this year;

1. To provide pupils with the opportunity to compete in a large range of sports events in inter and intra school competitions. 

2. To develop further opportunities for physical activity during playtimes and lunchtimes. 

3. To develop teacher's confidence and expertise in the delivery of PE. 

4. Celebrate the Olympic games being held in France as an opportunity to learn more about the different sports taking place. 

PE Skills Progression Grid

Pupil Voice Feedback January 2020

GYM: Doves - Floor work on shape

Mrs Young has a Dance group who are working hard learning a new routine to share at our Talent show and at Cannock's Gotta Dance. 
Robins have enrichment sports every other week, where they get to try new sports.  In this block, they got to try boxing, which they really enjoyed, especially as they were learning new skills.

Robins enjoying Multi-skills

In Multi-skills, the children got to develop a range of moving and handling skills, thinking carefully about their spatial awareness.  They enjoyed playing a range of different games. 

Kingfishers Superheroes Dance

As part of their Superhero topic, the children created a dance, using moves they have seen linked to Superheroes.  They worked in groups to make their own routines.

Kingfishers developing their Gymnastic skills

The children looked at different stretches and poses in their gymnastics.  They created different shapes and simple routines to share to the rest of the class.