Growing In Faith and Learning
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
Collective Worship
Collective worship is the heartbeat of our school. It drives our vision and values and gives us the opportunity to worship together; to reflect and to hope.
Worship at St. Leonard's comes in may forms including whole school worships; class worships; global worships; celebrations; worship at church; family worship; guided mediation and celebration of key Christian celebrations which are led by different classes at different times throughout the year. This often involves singing; drama; readings; reflection; prayer; stilling and opportunities to put our faith into action.
Pupils and staff at St. Leonard's love to worship together. It is a protected time at St. Leonard's and all children come together daily.
Each term we follow a worship rota, put together by Mrs. Hunt our worship lead to ensure continuity and progression. We use a wonderful scheme called Roots and Fruits for the majority of our worship times. We encourage children to take an active lead in worship and each year group takes turns to help plan and deliver worship.
We keep a scrap book of our worships including some of the very valuable contributions of our pupils.
Introduction to Worship:
In my head (touch head)
In my heart (touch chest)
All around me (touch left shoulder then right)
Jesus is here. (open hands in front facing upwards)
Before prayers:
Jesus, open up my eyes. Alleluia! (cross on forehead)
Jesus, open up my lips. Alleluia!
(cross on lips)
Jesus, open up my heart. Alleluia!
(cross on heart)
Jesus, help me hear your voice. Alleluia!
(use hands to cup behind ears)