Growing In Faith and Learning
Robins have had a busy but fun start to this half term. They have just started their new topic ‘Out of this World’, where they are learning all about Space. Their first text has been ‘Whatever Next!’ where the children have been roleplaying the different characters and writing as Baby Bear in their own rockets, made from cardboard boxes. In Maths, they have been learning about capacity and problem solving to see which container holds the most. They have started a new RE topic ‘What happens in a Church?’, where they will be looking at all of the things we do when we go to church.
Kingfishers have had a busy, exciting couple of weeks! They loved putting on their class assembly for parents. In Science, they have planted their own beans and have also conducted an investigation to test the conditions a plant needs to grow healthily. In Maths they have moved on to measures, a practical unit focussing on mass. For RE, they have been looking at places of worship across faiths. They have made pop–up superheroes in DT and then written the instructions during English. They have really improved in throwing the javelin in Athletics. The Y1 children have made us extremely proud as they have worked their socks off during the Phonic Screening checks this week.
Owls have been learning about physical geography and how volcanoes can affect people’s lives. In maths they have been learning how to interpret line graphs and bar charts. They have collected their own data and presented it in a graph. They have used excel to record data and present it using a graph. In RE, they have been learning about what happened after the disciples had received the Holy Spirit. We discussed how they might have felt at this time. In English, they have performed weather forecast scripts and they have been extending sentences using subordinate conjunctions. They have been learning how to bowl under arm and over arm in PE this week.
Falcons have continued to be busy this week preparing for their end of term production. The hall has been filled with singing, dancing and laughter and the classroom filled with prop making and emerging costumes. In English lessons, pupils have been undertaking their own research on rainforests to write a non-chronological report. In maths pupils have been focusing on translation. PE this week has been football and dance choreography. In RE they are beginning their new theme focusing on ’What would a fair world look like?’ The children have been asking and answering some very ‘Big’ questions.
Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher's Award:
Felicity – super use of phonics in her writing.
Sophia-May – working really hard with her writing, remembering her phonics & finger
Poppy - being helpful & caring in class.
Isla C – working very hard, particularly in maths.
Amelia – always being ready to learn & for helping others in need.
Ollie J – some great work in PE during our cricket sessions.
Abraham – an absolutely amazing setting description.
Jess – having a ‘can do’ attitude even though she has struggled with her arms!
The attendance award this week goes to Robins for 100% attendance