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Growing In Faith and Learning

'Growing in Faith and Learning' 'Life in all it's fullness' John 10:10

Welcome to St Leonard's CofE Primary School

Welcome to St. Leonard’s Church of England Primary School. We hope our website gives you a flavour of our vibrant, happy school and the achievements of our delightful children. We are a thriving church school in the picturesque village of Wigginton with a strong Christian ethos, growing in faith and learning. We passionately believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their goals and shine in their own unique and wonderful way. Our kind, caring and dedicated team nurture, motivate and encourage our children to be confident and well-rounded members of their community. I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of St. Leonard’s, a place where children develop a passion for learning, feel good about themselves, are proud of their achievements and create lasting memories of friendship and connection in our school family. I warmly invite you to come and visit us at St. Leonard’s Mrs Kirsty Cullen, Headteacher.

Welcome back

Welcome back. We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. It has been a very busy week in school.


Robins have been very excited to visit their new farm shop role play area linked to their new topic - On the Farm. They have done some amazing writing linked to their class text – Pig in the Pond as well as re-telling the story, with the animals in the water tray outside. The outdoor role play café has also opened and the children have enjoyed taking orders and serving. In Maths they have been finding 1 more and 1 less. 


Kingfishers have been enjoying reading an Aboriginal tale and writing their own amazing descriptions of the setting and main characters. In RE, the children have been looking at what happened to Jesus after he died. In music, the children are learning their songs ready for when they participate in the ‘Big Sing’ in June (details to follow). In science they have been exploring the senses. 


Owls have launched their new theme - Dinosaurs. The text they are focusing on is Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish. They have been thinking about their hopes for the future. In RE, they have been learning about The Last Supper. In Maths, they have been ordering and comparing fractions. 


Kestrels had an exciting Science day which involved many different investigations linking to materials - dissolving and separating materials. They have also launched their new theme – Ancient Greece. In RE, they have been researching parables. In Maths they have all been to the ’Decimal Diner’ which was a really fun way for them to apply the skills they have learned. 


Falcons as you might expect, are getting themselves ready for their end of Key Stage 2 SATs tests. They have all been working really hard, revising all that they have learned. There have been some fun quizzes and grammar graffiti going on too. In RE, the children have been really challenging stereotypes and deepening their understanding of Christianity as an international religion. 
